
The purpose of this guide is to help AUR users compile complex packages using an AUR helper in a clean(ish) environment and help to keep primary user facing systems free of clutter.

It is wise to read the Arch Wiki on building in a clean chroot. If this method does not work, or immolates the computer, follow the instructions on the aforementioned wiki page to properly build the package in a clean chroot.

Building the Package

Firstly, install devtools on the primary machine.

you@primary $ sudo pacman -S devtools

Make the directory in which the new chroot will be created.

you@primary $ mkdir -p $HOME/aur/chroot/proton-ge-custom/

Define the CHROOT environment variable to minimize typing in subsequent steps.

you@primary $ CHROOT=$HOME/aur/chroot/proton-ge-custom

mkarchroot will create the root directory in the proton-ge-custom directory.

root@primary # mkarchroot $CHROOT/root base base-devel vi vim nano sudo wget

(Mis)use arch-nspawn to 'log in' to the chroot.

arch-nspawn $CHROOT/root su -

Set a root passwd.

root@chroot # passwd

Uncomment the multilib repo in pacman.conf and then update the system.

root@chroot # pacman -Syyu

Create a user to build aur packages in the wheel group

root@chroot # useradd -m -G wheel aur

Set the AUR user's password.

root@chroot # passwd aur

Use visudo command to grant wheel users the ability to sudo. You can learn to use vi and vim here and it's quite fun.

root@chroot # visudo

Alternatively nano can be used as well.

root@chroot # EDITOR=nano visudo

Switch to the new aur user.

root@chroot # su - aur

Create the build directory for the package.

aur@chroot $ mkdir build && cd build

Copy the snapshot link for yay from the aur and wget the link

aur@chroot $ wget https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/yay.tar.gz

Extract the yay.tar.gz archive and make the yay package.

aur@chroot $ tar xf yay.tar.gz && cd yay && makepkg -si

Edit /etc/makepkg.conf and set the -j option something closer to your CPU thread count to expedite compile times.

Use yay to build proton-ge-custom.

aur@chroot $ yay -S proton-ge-custom

Once this process is completed, exit the terminal.

The package can then be copied from of the $CHROOT/root/home/aur/.cache/yay/proton-ge-custom/ directory and installed with pacman -U on the primary system. An example would be like so.

root@primary # pacman -U $CHROOT/root/home/aur/.cache/yay/proton-ge-custom/proton-ge-custom-2:GE.Proton9.20-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

All dependencies like lib32-lzo can be installed from the same folder using the same pacman -U command.